Keyboard for awesome screenshot
Keyboard for awesome screenshot

keyboard for awesome screenshot

Now, you’ll have two options: Right-click your image and choose Save as… to download your screenshot and save it locally, just like any other image pulled from the web. When you’re satisfied with your scribbles, Click Done. The blur feature is particularly handy, as it lets you blot out sensitive information, such as login credentials, account numbers and email addresses. You can also choose different colors for each tool and undo your last action. Along the top, you’ll have the following tools: Crop, Box, Circle, Arrow, Straight Line, Freehand, Blur, and Text. Next, you’ll be brought to the rudimentary, yet sufficient, editing screen that lives right inside of your browser. These full-page screen grabs are perfect for clip portfolios. Check out this screen grab of the groovyPost homepage to see for yourself. Capture Entire Page grabs the entire webpage in all its glory.


For anyone who has struggled to manually stitch together multiple screenshots to get a “full page view” screenshot or worse, tried to create a “printer-friendly” PDF of a webpage, the scrolling capture feature will certainly be welcome.

keyboard for awesome screenshot keyboard for awesome screenshot

The other two options happen instantly.Ĭapture Entire Page is perhaps the most exciting feature with this extension-especially for those who don’t have an app ( like Snagit) that features scrolling captures. Do so and Click Capture to capture the highlighted area or Click Cancel to re-select. Capture Entire Page – Captures entire vertical and horizontal scrolling area of the page.įor Capture Selected Area, you’ll be given a crosshair so you can draw a box around the area you’d like to select.Capture Selected Area – Takes a screenshot of a selected area within the visible window.Capture Visible Part of Page – Takes a screenshot of what appears inside the current browser window.When you’re ready to take a screenshot, simply click the Awesome Screenshot: Capture and Annotate icon and choose an option from the menu: There’s no real setup required, but if you’d like to change the file format ( JPG or PNG) and choose keyboard shortcuts, you can right-click the icon and choose Options…


But, if you simply must know more about this extension before giving it a download, read on to see it in action.Īfter you install Awesome Screenshot: Capture and Annotate, it sets up shop in the upper-right hand corner with the rest of your extensions. Awesome Screenshot: Capture and Annotate is free and takes seconds to install, so you may as well give it a whirl yourself if you’re interested.

Keyboard for awesome screenshot