File2folder altgernative
File2folder altgernative

file2folder altgernative

The main thing is that all the files have the correct tvshow name along with the correct season “s” with number and episode “e” with number. Sometimes they may be TVshow.S1.E1 or TVshow S01-E02. You will only need to make sure your files are named 01 for example so TVRename will know what to do with them. It will create the folders for each show, season, etc and rename/place TV episode files in the correct locations. TVRename is a great program to get organized if your files are scattered. drive letter:\TV Shows\Family Guy\Season 2\Show letter:\TV Shows\Family Guy\Season 1\Show letter:\TV Shows\Family Guy\Season 1\Show 01.


Note: If you run out of space on a drive you can just continue the same format on another drive as Kodi or Media Browser will let you import multiple locations and present them as one.Īfter creating a TV folder and sharing it out as you did with the Movie folder above this is the format that plays nice with Kodi.


When we get to Metadata below I will show you how to fix it if your home theater software does not find it. In other words do not waste your time trying to make it perfect. If you have a long file name from the web like taken.3.x264Name, this should be sufficient for and you will not to rename it. Structure = Drive Letter\Movies\”Movie Name” “(Movie Year)”\”Movie File Name” bat file in your movie folder containing all the movie files and execute. If you do it manually it could take for ever.ĭownload “ File2Folder Script 1.0 – Posted 03-02-2009“. It will automatically take the file name of each movie, make the folder, name the folder the movie name, then place the movie file in the new folder. Tip: If you currently have a single folder with multiple movies then make sure each movie is named as you would want it and run file2folder.bat script. Kodi or Media Browser (described below in the Meta data and Artwork section) will add all the other information when it is imported. Inside each folder you will only need your movie file. You can put the movie year in parenthesis to help Kodi or your home theater software find it easier when importing. You will want each movie in a separate folder with the folder name the same as the movie.

file2folder altgernative

You will need this path so your home theater setups can find the files later. When done, it will tell you the path to get to this folder later. Click Share then select everyone and click share again.

File2folder altgernative